Content: General | Processing Strategy | Data Holding | Data Versions | Data Formats | Citation
This product contains land-water masks which are computed in the approach for estimating surface area time series.
In all land-water mask, remaining data gaps caused by voids, snow or clouds are filled by using the long-term water occurrence mask.
In the right figure, an example of a filled land-water mask is presented for Ray Roberts Lake.
Processing Strategy
This product is estimated within the processing strategry of surface areas for lakes and reservoirs.
Therefore, more information can be found here.
Data Holding
DAHITI currently provides 191 land-water masks distributed over all continents, except Antarctica.
In Africa (10 time series), Asia (10), Australia (1), Europe (5), North America (158), and South America (7) water occurrence masks are available.
The land-water masks in DAHITI are freely available and can be downloaded after a short registration process.
The amount of land-water masks is permanently increasing.
Data Versions
This product is processed in the processing chain of surface areas.
More information can be found here.
The land-water masks are stored as GeoTiff. The spatial resolution is 0.0001° which is about 10m.
user@dahiti:/> gdalinfo 2018-12-27.tif
Driver: GTiff/GeoTIFF
Files: 2018-12-27.tif
Size is 3901, 2713
Coordinate System is:
SPHEROID["WGS 84",6378137,298.257223563,
Origin = (-97.178600000000003,33.577800000000003)
Pixel Size = (0.000100000000000,-0.000100000000000)
Image Structure Metadata:
Corner Coordinates:
Upper Left ( -97.1786000, 33.5778000) ( 97d10'42.96"W, 33d34'40.08"N)
Lower Left ( -97.1786000, 33.3065000) ( 97d10'42.96"W, 33d18'23.40"N)
Upper Right ( -96.7885000, 33.5778000) ( 96d47'18.60"W, 33d34'40.08"N)
Lower Right ( -96.7885000, 33.3065000) ( 96d47'18.60"W, 33d18'23.40"N)
Center ( -96.9835500, 33.4421500) ( 96d59' 0.78"W, 33d26'31.74"N)
Band 1 Block=3901x2 Type=Byte, ColorInterp=Gray
NoData Value=255
Description of pixel values:
Pixel value |
Description |
0 |
Land pixel |
1 |
Water pixel |
Don't forget to cite!
If you are using land-water masks from DAHITI in your work, please cite the following publication:
Schwatke C., Scherer D., and Dettmering D.:
Automated Extraction of Consistent Time-Variable Water Surfaces of Lakes and Reservoirs Based on Landsat and Sentinel-2. Remote Sensing, 11(9), 1010, doi:
10.3390/rs11091010, 2019