
Download of a DAHITI water level time series from hypsometry

DAHITI-API arguments

Argument Value Description
username e.g. 'username' Username to login on the DAHITI website
password e.g. 'password' Password to login on the DAHITI website
action 'download-water-level-hypsometry' Action of the request
dahiti_id e.g. '233' DAHITI ID

JSON response from DAHITI server

    'message': [],
    'status': 'OK',
    'target': {
        'id': '233',
        'target_name': 'Siling Co, Lake',
        'location': None,
        'country': 'China',
        'continent': 'Asia',
        'latitude': 31.7842,
        'longitude': 88.9357,
        'points': 208,
        'software': 1.0,
        'download': '2023-07-06 11:25:50',
        'data': [
                'date': '1988-08-27',
                'height': 4534.678,
                'error': 1.371
	        'date': '1989-07-29',
		'height': 4534.666,
		'error': 0.725
	        'date': '1989-11-18',
                'height': 4534.679,
                'error': 2.496
             }, ... , {
		'date': '2020-12-01',
		'height': 4544.31,
		'error': 1.35


import requests
import json
import pprint

url = 'https://dahiti.dgfi.tum.de/api/v1/'

args = {}
""" required options """
args['username'] = 'username'
args['password'] = 'password'
args['action'] = 'download-water-level-hypsometry'
args['dahiti_id'] = '233'

""" send request as method POST """
response = requests.post(url, data=args)

if response.status_code == 200:
	""" convert json string in python list """
	data = json.loads(response.text)
	print (response.status_code)


curl --data "username=username&password=password&action=download-water-level-hypsometry&dahiti_id=233" -X POST https://dahiti.dgfi.tum.de/api/v1/

Find more topics on the central web site of the Technical University of Munich: www.tum.de