DAHITI-API Documentation

The DAHITI-API allows users to access the data holding of DAHITI directly from user-defined scripts. Users can access the DAHITI-API using their favorite programming language. The principle is based on sending POST/GET requests to the DAHITI server. The server response will be in JSON format which is language independent. In the following, the implemented functions of the DAHITI-API are explained in detail with additional code examples (e.g. Python).

The following API-Request are provided by the DAHITI-API. However, the permission depends on the user status.

API-Request User Premium
List DAHITI targets
Info of DAHITI target
Download water level time series
Download surface area time series
Download volume variations time series
Download water level time series from hypsometry
Download hypsometry model
Get nearest DAHITI target
Get nearest DAHITI river
Create new DAHITI target
Add track to existing DAHITI target

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